Feb 27, 2015

An artist's problems

I'm browsing on deviantArt and Tumbrl on a daily basis, and currently following a lot of talented artists. Most of the artists are using a digital drawing board, and they are the best known ones. And some of these digital artists are just drawing like doodledumps and sketches, which is basically only a few minutes to make. I don't have a digital board anymmore, I dont have these popular and fuckin expensive Shinhan Touch felt pens. I have 1 rubber, 1 graffit pencil, 1 black pen and 1 permanent marker to work with and I'm spending a lot of time working on each little invisible deatail to make my art almost perfect. It requires a lot of energy sometimes... Spendig hours to create an artwork, which only gets 3like and 1share. Then I upload a sketch, which I made on one of my lessons, simple act of pure and heavyweight boredom.... 30like 4shared..... Uhm... Where is the mede value then? It's almost the same issue, when a woman spits paint on a canvas and sells it for 4million, cuz its considered as art with a deep meaning.....
I'm really disappointed.... Okay, there are many exceptions, I know, but in general, that is the exact matter.... What is wrong with you people? (just kidding) You have the right to appreciate any kind of art you like, that's your decision. But please, next time, you are looking at a perfectly composed, well shaded artwork, appreciate the artist's time and energy, cuz they deserve it!
// This is just an opinion ,not and offense!

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