Feb 12, 2015

self confidence issues

I'm currently practicing English with two of my friends, actually helping them in the conversation part for their school leaving exam.
One of them is a really cute and quite confident girl, with a big smile on her face and strong opinions. Catching huh? She always performs well in front of me.
The other girl is soo shy, she can't speak properly (yet!) even with me. Okay, she has less English knowledge, but she is cute and smiling too.
Both of them are soooo afraid of audience, especially from the exam situation. But that's why we are practicing! I have a lot of experience in performing or presentation in front of crowd or examiners. For me it's easy as pie! But for them... Its almost a nightmare.
Okay, I actually have been lectured about how to perform, his w to give a lecture, but some personality in also necessary in the process!

And the 1million worthy question: can you learn how to be self confident?
And my answer is no! You can't change your personality this quickly, that's a looong way to reach an almost complete change in your personality, and it requires strength and a lot of other factors to form you as the pressure forms the diamond or the deadline the artist.

But everybody can lie, can't they!? And you can learn how to lie easily! It's simple acting. And I'm gonna introduce you this method here and now!
The first thing to do is to take a deep breath and calm down. Do whatever it takes to calm yourself down! (except drugs) My method is to clean your head before exam/presentation. Don't even think about the task you'll have to do. I, personally, listen to music -Gorillaz album recommended! Chill out, it'll be fine!
Next step is lie to yourself! Even if you're afraid, and don't know all everything, tell yourself, that you are awsome. You will be good, cuz you know everything! You have to believe what you say!!!!!
After you are cool, and good, and on the top of the world, you have to begin!
Big smile on your face, straight back, eyecontact. You Have to keep this attitude, ni matter what. You have to speak constantly, like you would normally do in an average conversation with friends, but a little bit more formal!
If you get a system error, don't stop! Maybe just for a deep breath, than continue. Or ask if you really don't know the question!

If you didn't like my method, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKHStmMbanI&feature=share

and even after the exam or sthg.... Don't panic. You were okay! Drink a beer or juice, get a day off, or sleep a lot. You handled it perfectly according to your own knowledge and capabilities!!!!

And study a lot, that's the main thing!!!!!!!! Study a lot, study hard! Do your best and good luck! :)

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