Jan 2, 2014

English hell yeah!

Okay, végre kezdek kétnyelvűsödni,és ezt kiterjesztem a blogra is. Lassan lefordítok minden cikket, amit fontosnak tartok lefordítani- ergo az összeset, de ehhez időre lesz szükség. De hogy a külföldiek is értsék a dolgot muszáj lesz.
Okay, already I started to translate the articles, so all foreigners who can speak english will be able to read and understand the blog.

Judging by...what?

I think it's not an awkward topic, somebody has to talk about it, because there are a lot of people who were abused and condemend by this or just by their appearance. Everybody has individuality and they ust want to show it to the world. Why is it a big problem and the cause of bullying?

I'm going to tell a lot of Facts about gay people, and about our blind , narrow minded society.

Fiers of all, gay people ar not a new 'species' (it'srealy rude to call them like this,  but I haerd worse words than this) on this planet. There were gay people in the antiquity- for example, there were a lot of Greek artists who were gay. My favourite renaissance artist, Michelangelo was also gay,not to mention Shakespeare who wrote the Romeo & Juliet to a man. Unfortunatelly being gay or bisexual is just a fashion nowdays, and this is disguting: some people making a business from this....:P
  What makes a people gay? - Silly 'emo'haircut(it's a missunderstanding if we associate them with emo lifestyle, because it's jsut the hairstyle); skinnylook, painted nails and pink or rainbow coloured clothes, (sometimes) dressing like the opposite sex.... Actually not all gay people looks like  this- it depends on personal taste of fashion. Just the society stereotype them [interesting fact: 75% of the tranvestites are hetero/strainght!] 
Being homosexual, loving your owns sex is 20%decision, 80% genetics. Some people has more men or women genes and their hormons make them what they are. So the cause is the nature itself! Is it blameworthy? I don't think so...
  But society's attitude won't change. Some of them imply just avoid those who are different than  'normal'. And what makes normal normal? Take the fashion for instance: there is an ugly t-shirt that nobodywould wear-BUT- if there 2 or 3 people who wear it in group it simply become 'cool' and 'fashionable'. Everybody wants to belong to a group,but youcan easily choose bad company, who turn you into a clone. It sounds like a sci-fi story, but it's a serious problem.You can belong to somewhere and have your own opinion and style, but don't udge others without knowing them!

The avoiding and bullying strts in the most honest ages of your life: childhood
In the nursery school:He is ugly and fat, I don't like him. Don't even play with him!
And it continue in the secondary too: He wears black clothes and metal band t-shirts. OMG he has purple hair! Ugh.. I'm sure he is cutting his wrist. He maybe a satanist! Don't talk to him, because he will curse you!
And the adults also doing the same: Look at him,he is dressing like a grandpa! And he can't drive? Useless poor man.. I'm sure he lives in a flat with10 cats. 
                                           Stereothypes..stereothypes everywhere!
Until we don't know these people we shouldn't categorize them according to their appearance. We have to think!
Who knows? Perhaps that little fat child wil be your boss! And the punk from school is an artist with colourfull and happy personality. The old fashioned man has a happy family: wife, children, dog, big house, big cool ferrari.
Preconceptions are sometimes evil and insulting.

  Although in some cases the "freaks" make people judge the like this. Not to mention thegay parades.. I know,  it's good to love each other, but don't go to the streets in an adam-costume or in a tong, because it makes thing sworse! Like the hetero couples in public- i hate it when they try to operate out each others stomach mouth-to-mouth on the bus:P 

Summa summarum: My opinion is- if you dont't like them (insome countries it's revarded with head-shot) it's none of your business, but don't ignore and bully them! I know this article won't change the world, but it's worth a try:D

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